Should people be made aware of Peak Oil?

Forum for general discussion of Peak Oil / Oil depletion; also covering related subjects

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Post by RenewableCandy »

There's also the probability that anyone really BIG who knows about it stands to benefit more (or lose less) the fewer others of their type there are in the know. This is a bit different from the situation facing the likes of me: the more prepared my immediate neighbourhood is, the less help they're going to need (or forcibly extract) from me.
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Post by madibe »

The powers that be are DESPERATE to engender confidence in future economic growth
Yes, there was an article on the news last night about how 'consumer confidence' was returning in NY - and how spending had increased by 'yay' amount. However, a subsequent vox-pop with ordinary folks 5 miles down the road from Times Square gave a different opinion...they are as broke as hell.

Not much Christmas for them was the general viewpoint.

So sure, some people have still got money to burn on kipple. But the average joe... nope. Interestingly, the people they asked did not seem bothered by the lack of kipple - obviously worried about the important stuff, but not worried about the crap...despite the state trying to make them feel sub-human because of their lack of purchasing power. Mmmm.
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