God's not cruel, but just. I think most people accept that if you do something wrong you get punished, that's what much of our national law is for. Expand this to a larger scale - God, as the very definition of "good", sets the standard by which you can judge what is "bad" and deserves punishment.sentiententity wrote:I find it hard to understand why one would worship such a cruel, insecure and vicious entity, except out of fear. And why would one want to live in fear? That is no more than slavery. And even worse, indoctrinate one's children into that fear from the very day of their birth?I believe in judgement, heaven and hell, and don't want any of my fellow human beings to suffer the latter, ?
Now the punishment, hell, can simply be defined as a place where God isn't. Perhaps an atheist would be happier there than anywhere else? Perhaps not though, because our present reality is a place where God is, and although we have our free will to cause harm, and so do evil spiritual powers, God does restrain what might happen. Things could be worse, and in hell they will be, simply because God will not be there restraining the evil that could happen.
So you end up with a problem - if God is just, He can not permit anyone to enter heaven, because he can not tolerate any sin in His presence. But, He loves the people He has created, and so to provide a way for us to be given life, he paid the price of sin Himself, as Jesus. I expect this isn't news to anyone though - it's just a matter of whether you believe it or not.
So, to sum it up, I don't live in fear, I live in the secure knowledge that there is a God who loves me and wants to be in a personal relationship with me, and any other human being who is interested. I know that He will protect my wellbeing - but that doesn't mean I will never have any hard times, as such things are part of the "training process" that life on Earth is. My wellbeing that matters is not physical, but spiritual, and that lasts for eternity, so a measly 70 or 80 years here will seem insignificant in the long run.