I'm not sure to be honest. On the one hand I don't believe in censoring information but on the other hand it's too late for anything to be done about it and it might cause a panic.Erik wrote:Indeed, you are right. The poll question is "Is raising awareness of Peak Oil in your interests?", not "Whose fault is it if people can't be bothered to find out about energy related problems before the SHTF?"JohnB wrote:But surely if they hear the news and ignore it, at least they were warned and chose to do nothing. Isn't keeping it a secret that only comes out when TSHTF asking for trouble, when everyone gets angry because they didn't know?caspian wrote:If people don't want to hear bad news, that's their lookout.
Caspian: If you could give people a magic PO pill which made them see the light (or forthcoming lack of light as it were)... would you do so?
The reason I've stopped telling people about it is because it can tend to label you as a doomerish joyless outcast (which I am, but I'd rather not advertise the fact). Even after the disastrous financial upheavals of this year, nobody wants to believe that their world is going to collapse. I no longer believe that a collapse is likely anyway.
On balance I think I'd be better off not having ever heard about PO. It's coloured everything I do and I don't find much to enjoy about life these days. I think it would be rather selfish of me to inflict that on someone else. I feel a bit guilty about telling my sister about it.
I don't think it's storing up trouble keeping such information to myself, because how is anyone going to know? In any case, it's not going to be a sudden awakening and angry realisation - more likely a long slow decline over many decades.