Daniel Schmachtenberger On Why The Answer to All the Problems is All of the Solutions

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Daniel Schmachtenberger On Why The Answer to All the Problems is All of the Solutions

Post by UndercoverElephant »

"We fail to mandate economic sanity because our brains are addled by....compassion." (Garrett Hardin)
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Re: Daniel Schmachtenberger On Why The Answer to All the Problems is All of the Solutions

Post by johnny »

"The answer to all the problems is all of the solutions"

Only someone like a philosopher would write a sentence like that. Well, maybe a Buddhist monk or an old Chinese proverb could be that tangled.

The answer to the problem of peak oil is more oil.
The answer to being unhappy is to be happy.
The answer to the number of angels that can dance on the head of a pin is as many as you'd like.
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