New coronavirus in/from China

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Post by Mark »

Could ASPIRIN be the first over the counter treatment for coronavirus? Hospitalized patients already taking the drug daily were 47% less likely to die of COVID-19: ... ID-19.html

Half an aspirin a day seems seems a sensible move ?
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Post by PS_RalphW »

A major factor in dying from covid is that it triggers blood clotting, leading to a lot of secondary damage in the heart and brain from mini strokes and blocked arteries. Aspirin thins the blood so at the population level is likely to be beneficial against covid.

I started taking aspirin after I got prostate cancer as it may help prevent recurrence, but had to stop because it made long term bleeding caused by the radio therapy worse.
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Post by adam2 »

A new one month long lockdown is expected to be officially announced very shortly, but has already been widely leaked by the media.

In Spain it is reported that a new strain of the coronavirus has been found.
"Installers and owners of emergency diesels must assume that they will have to run for a week or more"
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Post by UndercoverElephant »

adam2 wrote:A new one month long lockdown is expected to be officially announced very shortly, but has already been widely leaked by the media.

In Spain it is reported that a new strain of the coronavirus has been found.
No mention of a compensation scheme though.
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Post by clv101 »

UndercoverElephant wrote:
adam2 wrote:A new one month long lockdown is expected to be officially announced very shortly, but has already been widely leaked by the media.

In Spain it is reported that a new strain of the coronavirus has been found.
No mention of a compensation scheme though.
Furlough scheme to be extended through November.
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Post by UndercoverElephant »

clv101 wrote:
UndercoverElephant wrote:
adam2 wrote:A new one month long lockdown is expected to be officially announced very shortly, but has already been widely leaked by the media.

In Spain it is reported that a new strain of the coronavirus has been found.
No mention of a compensation scheme though.
Furlough scheme to be extended through November.
That is no use to me.
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Post by PS_RalphW »

At least I will be able to take the dog for longer walks on the country roads again with less fear of being squashed flat. I expect our morning social dog walks twice round the rec with 4 or 5 other owners will continue, as they did before.

I haven't worked at all since March. I do not expect to get paid work again for years. There will be 50 better applicants for each job and 49 of them will need the money more than me. I have joined the local volunteer driving scheme, but it remains suspended.

We have very little social life to lose, and no close family. I hope our kids mental health won't suffer again, our younger one still hasn't recovered from the last lock down.
Little John

Post by Little John »

No seasonally adjusted increased morbidity nor mortality.

This lock-down is politically and socially indefensible.
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Post by vtsnowedin »

Doing my weekly statistic check on Covid I see an eleven percent increase in daily deaths worldwide in a week to 6392/day.
Looking at individual countries there are increases in almost all European countries with those in Eastern Europe being hit especially hard.
I suppose Trump is at fault for this along with all his other failures.
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Post by boisdevie »

vtsnowedin wrote:Doing my weekly statistic check on Covid I see an eleven percent increase in daily deaths worldwide in a week to 6392/day.
Looking at individual countries there are increases in almost all European countries with those in Eastern Europe being hit especially hard.
I suppose Trump is at fault for this along with all his other failures.
Are those deaths WITH Covid or BECAUSE of Covid?
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Post by vtsnowedin »

boisdevie wrote:
vtsnowedin wrote:Doing my weekly statistic check on Covid I see an eleven percent increase in daily deaths worldwide in a week to 6392/day.
Looking at individual countries there are increases in almost all European countries with those in Eastern Europe being hit especially hard.
I suppose Trump is at fault for this along with all his other failures.
Are those deaths WITH Covid or BECAUSE of Covid?
Those are the Johns-Hopkins university numbers and I believe the feel they are reporting "because of" covid not with. But as they aggregate numbers from all countries it probably varies country to country.
That is a good question and it will probably take months or years to get that distinction sorted out. In the meantime this and perhaps the World-o-meters site are the best sources I have found and they are useful for following changes in the trends.
Little John

Post by Little John »

TOTAL DEATHS, seasonally adjusted, show NO increased morbidity nor mortality here in the UK.
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Post by vtsnowedin »

Little John wrote:TOTAL DEATHS, seasonally adjusted, show NO increased morbidity nor mortality here in the UK.
That is not what I see here. ... 22020.xlsx
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Post by fuzzy »

but are many batflu inmates bed blocking for months? Are they infecting care staff, squeezing supply? Deaths are not the only possible problem.
Little John

Post by Little John »

vtsnowedin wrote:
Little John wrote:TOTAL DEATHS, seasonally adjusted, show NO increased morbidity nor mortality here in the UK.
That is not what I see here. ... 22020.xlsx
Well, then you are looking in the wrong place

TOTAL deaths for this week for 2019 and for 2020

2020 - 10,534

2019 - 10,156 ... ndandwales

That's a difference of 54 deaths per day. Which is, basically, statistical noise in a population of nigh on 70 million. Or, put another way, that level of variation from year to year is entirely ordinary and it has varied much more widely than that in just the last 20 years.
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