I am just seeing your response now so pardon the time laps. Anti vaccers like yourself will be a detriment to society in that they will provide a pool of human hosts for the virus and keep it in circulation and more widespread then it would be otherwise. Members that do get sick with symptoms will cause an unnecessary drain on your healthcare system which is already hard pressed. Herd immunity if achieved and that is a pretty big if will have a lower death rate but I was referring to the present high death rate which will continue until herd immunity is achieved. Preliminary estimates for the US without lockdowns was for over 2,000,000 deaths in a year. We are currently at 202,827. The US now ranks 10th in deaths per 100,000,000 while the UK ranks 11th. (626/M vs 616/M).Little John wrote:Firstly, herd immunity may be outside the control of government in terms of it's final destination. But, is not outside of its control in the speed of getting there.vtsnowedin wrote:Herd immunity is a natural phenomenon and out of the control of the politicians, the medical community, or the deep state. And as it is it gives us a high death rate that continues. And while only a fraction of infected people will get seriously ill or die the number that does get sick and die is high enough to disrupt economies and perhaps unseat governments.
The Vaccine when it becomes available and known to be reasonably safe will become a tool to reduce those death numbers and allow the economy to reopen.
The majority will want to get past Covid-19 and get on with their lives and will look at you as a detriment to their progress.
Secondly, in what way, precisely, will people like me be a "detriment" to the "progress" of others? If the vaccine works... right?
Finally herd immunity in the context of Covid19 it does not give you a high death rate. Again, that is not true. Or, at least, I should say, in every country I have looked at the data (I have not specifically looked at the USA's). But, I am prepared to stand corrected. Do know the specific numbers involved for the USA?
For example:
How many people die in your country per year, on average, of all illnesses combined? I am including the illnesses associated with old age in that question.
How many people have died in your country this year of the above causes, including covid19 deaths?
How many people have died in your country, specifically, of Covid19 deaths this year?
After taking Covid deaths in your country out of the numbers for this year, how many people are left? Does that number match previous years? Or, is it significantly lower? If it is lower, do you know why?
With 7 million cases out of a population of 331 million we are a long long way from herd immunity.
There were 2.8 million deaths from all causes in the US in 2017 or 7708 per day. It is too early to determine the number of excess deaths from covid as many of it's victims were near the end of their life to begin with.
For example of Vermont's 58 deaths 25 were 80 years old or older.