Please help me improve this peak oil article

Forum for general discussion of Peak Oil / Oil depletion; also covering related subjects

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Post by AutomaticEarth »

emordnilap wrote:It's good, though, UE - well done. I think this is the most important bit:
In short, the crisis predicted by the Peak Oil theorists - the "transition" of the Transition Town movement - is still on its way. It has merely been delayed for a decade or so by a global depression, a temporary boom in environmentally-catastrophic unconventional production and the implementation of "fantasy economics". The result (and the true purpose) of that fantasy economic system is to transfer as much wealth as possible into the hands of the already-wealthy, before the harsh realities of peak oil start to hit home in the 2020s. And I haven't even mentioned climate change, population overshoot, deforestation, soil depletion, collapse of fishery stocks and all the rest of inter-linked crises our civilisation is on a collision course with. The "migrant crisis" making so many headlines at the moment is not a temporary blip: it is the start of something much bigger and far worse.

Are you ready for what is to come? The time to start preparing, for yourself, your family, your community and your town, is now.
Shame it has to come at the end. :wink:

Good solid piece UE.

As for pictures, I was thinking along the lines of what Kunstler used - the one where he has a car being pulled by a horse at the top of his home page :D
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