SleeperService wrote:LENR????
I'd bet my money on benevolent alien intervention delivering the goods before LENT ever delivers anything concrete
On the subject of LENR heres a recent article from mark gibbs of forbes who not long ago thought (and said) the same as you but he seems slowly to be changing his opinion. ... more-real/
A website called “American” has just released a Tim Ventura audio interview with Dr. Dennis Bushnell, Chief Scientist at NASA Langley Research Center. Here is most of what
Bushnell said about LENR:
“LENR, which we’re working on here, we’ve got 22 years now of experiments on Low Energy Nuclear Reactions, which indicate out of hundreds of experiments that this is real. And we now have a
theory from Widom Larsen that it’s condensed matter nuclear physics, it is collective effects.
It is not particle physics. It is not the usual business and you can get around the Coulomb barrier by forming ultra-weak neutrons using heavy electrons which not only enable you to form the neutrons but also converts the gamma radiation, which comes off the beta-decay, which is where the energy is finally produced – convert
that into thermal so that you don’t have to
have much radiation protection.
So LENR is expected to be anywhere from twenty thousand to 3 million times chemical [energy] and that would really revolutionize space. LENR is not “heavily” investigated, we have a two to three hundred K effort.
We are also cooperating with people that we can’t divulge under cooperative agreements. There is quite a lot of interest because LENR purportedly also produces trace mutations. So, if LENR [transmutation] works, we can take whatever is on the planet and possibly transmutate it into something we need.”
Bold part ... Defkalion maybe.