meemoe_uk wrote:>You seem pretty explicit to me.
escape does not equal relax, forget
You don't make a prison break by 1st forgeting you're in prison.
So you think we are in prison and need to escape? Why do you think that?
>I find your tone quite patronising
Of course. What do you expect? There's people with more experience with you in this world. And ganging together with other inexperienced peeps doesn't insulate you from experienced people anymore than a school class of kids outsays the teacher.
So after about a day on the forum, your expert assessment is that we are a bunch of school kids and you are the teacher. This should be a laugh!
>You paint a picture of us as a bunch of people who were born yesterday, addicted to our internal horror stories over peak oil, who have not yet completed your fun journey of enlightenment and liberation.
That's a rather magnified version of the reality, but essentially correct.
What you gonna do? Concentrate on this sore spot, hurl adhomiens and cry moderator?
>But I think you'll find that most of us are doing just fine, thankyou anyway
Wrong. I've found peakoilers today aren't the same types as those 5 years ago. 5 years ago, it was more industry types, and fast minded net surfers \ tech nerds. By today, the old bunch have moved out, having debunked PO or got fed up with the increasingly non-techy, dogmatic & evangelical types that are building up in the community. It's not what I call fine, it's more like part of the shift from technical debate group to religious cult.
I think you'll find that many forum members here have been here for longer than five years.
>Oh, I'd love to hear your views on AGW...
The usual. WUWT, david archibald, bob carter, solar cycles control climate, currently shifting into at least a 30 year cool period due to low solar actvity. International bankers massively financing the AGW movement since at least the 1980s ( george hunt expose ), AGW is many pronged geopolitical tool with goals like 3rd world impoverishment, depopulation, shift industry from US to china.
>I think you'll find that many forum members here have been here for longer than five years.
Then I'm afraid it doesn't reflect well on their analytic skills about the situation to my mind.
Meemoe, how about you provide some evidence to back up your assertions? Otherwise you can only be a patronising troll.
Sorry, I wish I had the energy, it's lacking right now. and There's little I can say that RGR hasn't probably already said. If he hasn't convinced you to explore non POdoom reasoning, then I doubt I can.
The most tenable thing I can bring at the moment is there's a large group of people who went properly through the peak oil doom mill and came out the other side.
I hope to get involved in the alternate energy forums later. Perhaps there we can do some useful debate.
Last edited by meemoe_uk on 30 Dec 2010, 14:12, edited 1 time in total.
Well this is a new angle, a corporate conspiracy. Its more common to assert a government/bureaucrat conspiracy to prevent the free market from properly exploiting all those readily available fuel sources by over regulation and nasty, anti-competitive subsidies to the renewable sector. If an Anglo-American oil conspiracy is the source of the energy crunch problem that pretty much derails the deregulation/let the markets do what markets do solution. In favour of more state control of oil, more regulation, breaking up of oil companies? You may find yourself at odds with most PO debunkers.
Troll fail - argument lacks internal consistency. I don't believe you will have won RGR's approval with this effort.
>Well this is a new angle, a corporate conspiracy. Its more common to assert a government/bureaucrat conspiracy
Governments are fronts\PR organisations for international corps. So it's the same angle to my mind. For e.g. would you believe Dick Cheney, Bush and Rumsfeld, were front men placed in the US governent by the oil and arms industry!?!?!? wow! ( absolute beginner politics common knowledge ). Too much of a stretch to conjecture the govs are mostly a bunch of corp front men?
>If an Anglo-American oil conspiracy is the source of the energy crunch problem that pretty much derails the deregulation/let the markets do what markets do solution. In favour of more state control of oil, more regulation, breaking up of oil companies? You may find yourself at odds with most PO debunkers.
They regulate and deregulate the markets when and where it suits them. Simple enough.
meemoe_uk wrote:>Oh, I'd love to hear your views on AGW...
The usual. WUWT, david archibald, bob carter, solar cycles control climate, currently shifting into at least a 30 year cool period due to low solar actvity. International bankers massively financing the AGW movement since at least the 1980s ( george hunt expose ), AGW is many pronged geopolitical tool with goals like 3rd world impoverishment, depopulation, shift industry from US to china.
meemoe_uk wrote:Sorry, I wish I had the energy, it's lacking right now.
Petal! It must be exhausting roving the internet dispensing your wisdom...
Just don't be surprised if you get short shrift on an internet forum where you turn up, diss the subject matter, spout off a bunch or random theories and don't provide a shred of evidence to support your position.
>Just don't be surprised if you get short shrift on an internet forum
Sure. Did I express suprise anywhere here?
>... where you turn up, diss the subject matter, spout off a bunch or random theories and don't provide a shred of evidence to support your position.
What's the point in me writing up an essay with links, when RGRs done it on this forum over the course of thousands of posts already to no avail?
My experience is, in these kind of circumstances where your opponents are asking for links, they aren't going to listen. If they aren't doing their own googling, net research etc, then they aren't going to check out what you say, with or without links.
If you were after my answers, you would have scrutanised every sentance RGR wrote months ago and got the answers already.
>conspiring against their own interests even by pushing the peak oil meme.
If you think energy companies suffer under the peakoil meme, you've got a long way to go yet. During the last few years, during the recent resurgent peakoil interest, the oil industry as a whole has had the biggest investment injection in it's history. It's still riding a tsunami of cash like never before.
meemoe_uk wrote:when RGRs done it on this forum over the course of thousands of posts already to no avail?
Has he? He has cited the IEA occasionally, who now say that peak oil was in 2006.
>conspiring against their own interests even by pushing the peak oil meme.
If you think energy companies suffer under the peakoil meme, you've got a long way to go yet. During the last few years, during the recent resurgent peakoil interest, the oil industry as a whole has had the biggest investment injection in it's history. It's still riding a tsunami of cash like never before.
Who said anything about oil companies? You didn't even check the link, did you. Duh.
>Who said anything about oil companies? You didn't even check the link, did you. Duh.
OK, but it doesn't matter. Energy and engineering companys alike like the peakoil meme, regardless of underlying truth. It draws attention to the idea current infrastructure needs unheaval to deal with change. And every company director knows what that entails - cash hand outs.
There's a few things I take as implicit that you don't seem to. Like the world energy industry being monopolised back in the 1920s. Since then, nearly all energy companys are either aligned with the big players, going along with their policys and scams, or are wholy owned by them.
The transport companys, like stagecoach, just exist on a string of government subsidys and bailouts.
When I see alternate energy groups, I assume them as subcompanies owned by the internationals. Or at best, if they are independant now, they'll be brought into allignment if they get too powerful ( big buyout or face endless legal battles ).
So for more than one reason, energy companies are going to sing peakoil. Any that don't will just lose ground to the others.
meemoe_uk wrote:>Who said anything about oil companies? You didn't even check the link, did you. Duh.
OK, but it doesn't matter. Energy and engineering companys alike like the peakoil meme, regardless of underlying truth. It draws attention to the idea current infrastructure needs unheaval to deal with change. And every company manager knows what that entails - cash hand outs.
There's a few things I take as implicit that you don't seem to. Like the world energy industry being monopolised back in the 1920s. Since then, nearly all energy companys are either aligned with the big players, going along with their policys and scams, or are wholy owned by them.
The transport companys, like stagecoach, just exist on a string of government subsidys and bailouts.
When I see alternate energy groups, I assume them as subcompanies owned by the internationals. Or at best, if they are independant now, they'll be brought into allignment if they get too powerful ( big buyout or face endless legal battles ).
So for more than one reason, energy companies are going to sing peakoil. Any that don't will just lose ground to the others.
For someone no longer bothered by the prospect of PO, you sure seem to spend a lot of time on this PO forum.
Virgin are a major international airline. Talking up PO can only serve to cut their profit margins as the price of fuel rises - unless of course they are seriously concerned.
You clearly haven't SEEN how deep the rabbit hole GOES. Branson's ramblings are clearly and elaborate TRIPLE-BLUFF. It's purpose? He is part of a shady, international, terrorist, pederast, elitist, secretive group which plans to detonate a dirty bomb inside the President's internet.
Will you go to oil heaven or somewhere, if you can convert a few of us?
Let nobody suppose that simple, inexpensive arrangements are faulty because primitive. If constructed correctly and in line with natural laws they are not only right, but preferable to fancy complicated devices.
Rolfe Cobleigh