When the Lights Go Out

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Post by madibe »

I've never owned an electric tin opener. I like my labour saving devices but the labour involved in opening a tine always seemed negligable.
One would think so - but I bought one for my folks who are 86 and 76...they just couldnt manage the manual one anymore. It has been a godsend to them; one of those you put on the can and it just zips round on its own. Majic. Now all I need to do is fit a solar panel to it....

Post by Aurora »

maudibe wrote:
I've never owned an electric tin opener. I like my labour saving devices but the labour involved in opening a tine always seemed negligable.
One would think so - but I bought one for my folks who are 86 and 76...they just couldnt manage the manual one anymore. It has been a godsend to them; one of those you put on the can and it just zips round on its own.
My friends bought one of those.


Bloody dangerous thing - it leaves a jagged edge because it cuts below the rim of the can and not inside the rim as do most other types of opener. :evil:
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Post by madibe »

Aurora... only dangerous if you insist on eating out of the can.... my folks dont do that, y'know.

:lol: :wink:

Last edited by madibe on 13 Jan 2010, 19:07, edited 1 time in total.

Post by Aurora »

maudibe wrote:Aurora... only dangerous if you insist on eating out of the can.... my folks dont do that, y'know.

:lol: :wink:
Sophisticated, eh? :D
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Post by RenewableCandy »

jonny2mad wrote:when the lights go off and you have a real crash

Id say the main thing your going to need is guns and family members or militia members prepared to defend you .

I would imagine a series of ineffective attempts at government on a national scale then warlord-ism on the local scale after national government is shattered .

I believe in die-off , I haven't seen anything that makes me think jay hansen isn't going to be proved right.

fast crash and a descent into barbarism I'm not sure of the exact timing but thats the most likely end .
Sorry I don't get the connection with electric tin-openers here...can they be used in hand-to-hand combat??
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Post by jonny2mad »

well it wasn't really a post replying to electric tin openers more to what I thought will happen when the lights go off .

electric tin openers are pretty rubbish, Id much prefer my swiss army knife tin opener or better my american boyscout penknife tin opener .

anyway fast crash leading to barbarism, more sure about it everyday .

Thats if we don't have a third world war which we may well do so barbarism Id say is the positive option
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Post by kenneal - lagger »

jonny2mad wrote:...anyway fast crash leading to barbarism, more sure about it everyday .

Thats if we don't have a third world war which we may well do so barbarism Id say is the positive option
You're a cheerful chappy, j2m! :D :wink:
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Post by RenewableCandy »

Remember he sells nookiller fall-out shelters fro a living :) !
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Post by RogueMale »

adam2 wrote:[In the absence of a non electric tin opener, tins can be opened with the tin opening tool found on most Swiss army knives, no home or vehicle or toolbox should be without one, though regretably the legality of carrying a swiss army knife is now doubtful.
It is legal to carry one, as the blade is less than 3" long and is not lockable.
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Post by emordnilap »

I once went into a hardware store and bought an axe and some epoxy resin.

I needed age ID (hey, this was in the eighties!) only for the epoxy resin, presumably to assess whether I could responsibly harm myself...

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Post by RenewableCandy »

Everybody knows there's no such thing as an under-age Mad Axeman (or woman).
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Post by Adam1 »

Sorry, I think this electric tin opener thread is just going round in circles. Just get a grip (of the tin) will you!
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Post by RenewableCandy »

You've opened a can of worms there, Adam!
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Post by disabled guy »

Vortex wrote:
jonny2mad wrote:when the lights go off and you have a real crash

Id say the main thing your going to need is guns and family members or militia members prepared to defend you .

I would imagine a series of ineffective attempts at government on a national scale then warlord-ism on the local scale after national government is shattered .

I believe in die-off , I haven't seen anything that makes me think jay hansen isn't going to be proved right.

fast crash and a descent into barbarism I'm not sure of the exact timing but thats the most likely end .
Oh, for goodness sake ....

oh for goodness sake nothing - jonny's right on the money , the politicos and rich will head for their bolt holes and it WILL be survival of the fittest or well armed - do you SERIOUSLY think the conventions of society will last very long if the power went ?? - no food in the shops - no money out the hole in the wall - no Internet ( seeing as a LOT of modern society is dependent on it ) - no power for the pumps etc

see what one blackout caused in 1977 here : ( for those of you old enough to remember back then )

http://www.wired.com/science/discoverie ... ntech_0713

come on people do your research - and take off the rose tints - there WILL be no one coming to help you ( well maybe the army if we have one left ) - no hospitals - no transport - and a LOT of very frightened and confused people - and believe me they are bloody dangerous !!

we now live in a society where 90% or more of the population are totally incapable mentally of putting up with even images of death on the telly - only this morning they where going on about NOT showing the true goings on in Haiti before the watershed because of the "upset " it might cause ( especially to young people ) - and watching the winging and moaning about the little bit of snow we had recently in the UK - you would think the world HAD come to an end

for god sakes get real and toughen up - ANY military people out there will tell you the FIRST thing you need in a survival situation is a strong mental attitude !! - and our PC pussie society - where no one must take risks - no one must get involved - and no one must upset others will be the first to go down the drain - we have allowed this to happen - we ONLY have ourselves to blame !!

heck i bet you that if you did a survey , a goodly proportion of people don't even have basics like candles or battery powered lights , let alone any food stocks - and as for the ability to defend themselves against those in society who take NOW - yea right - no good waiting for the police to turn up if a gang of yobs steal what little you have ??

only those who DO think "what if " will have a cats chance - and again i have had many people during my time in the fire and rescue service mutter the words " i never thought it could happen ( to me ) " - well sorry folks it could and if you are one of those who just sit and wait for a bail out - then you got a big shock coming

the wold is a big BAD nasty place where shit happens - its ONLY dumb luck that the big one ain't happened yet - forget the disaster movies - there is unlikely to be any happy ending !!

too negative for you ?? - well sorry - but I threw away my rose tinted specs many many years ago

well said Jonny2mad - keep telling it like it really is

:roll: :D
the older you get - the more experience of life you gain - and the LESS anyone listens to you

take OFF the rose tinted specks - look around you and SEE whats REALLY happening in the world - stop believing the BS !!
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Post by RogueMale »

disabled guy wrote: oh for goodness sake nothing - jonny's right on the money , the politicos and rich will head for their bolt holes and it WILL be survival of the fittest or well armed - do you SERIOUSLY think the conventions of society will last very long if the power went ?? - no food in the shops - no money out the hole in the wall - no Internet ( seeing as a LOT of modern society is dependent on it ) - no power for the pumps etc
Whatever TEOTWAWKI will be like, it will not be anything like 2012, the movie. You won't be able to buy your way out of it, as money will be worthless. Also, in previous collapses the ruling class did particularly badly. And once you've run out of tinned food, what are you going to eat?
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