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by Being Frank
29 Jan 2016, 13:57
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Soothing Voices
Replies: 3
Views: 2091

Soothing Voices

In the early 70's I was working in Transport Planning, using computers to model possible transport/land use patterns in 2001 and 2011. I was well aware that the US had peaked and that Hubbert had suggested all the cheap stuff would be gone in 30 years or so. It seemed madness to me that all the worl...
by Being Frank
18 Dec 2015, 11:14
Forum: Climate Change
Topic: Towards COP21
Replies: 64
Views: 25116

The Missus is interested in CC. so I told her there was a good piece in the paper about Paris. (Guardian 17/12/15-This is my first post anywhere, I might learn to do links) It was in fact a long article on corruption, from top to bottom, in the State of India. She couldn't get the connection :lol: I...