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- 27 Feb 2020, 10:51
- Forum: General Discussion
- Topic: New coronavirus in/from China
- Replies: 9035
- Views: 361664
Vortex, referring your long post about the CDC. The CDC is partly if not largely funded by the pharmaceutical industry. It promotes mandatory vaccination, and owns several vaccine patents. These vaccines have not stopped the incidence of disease in the US, and in some cases they are causing common a...
- 27 Feb 2020, 10:37
- Forum: General Discussion
- Topic: New coronavirus in/from China
- Replies: 9035
- Views: 361664
- 27 Feb 2020, 10:35
- Forum: General Discussion
- Topic: New coronavirus in/from China
- Replies: 9035
- Views: 361664
A worrying calculation: Around 80% of Covid-19 deaths are for people over 60 - Assume an 80% worst case infection rate - Assume a CFR of 5% - a guess...
- 27 Feb 2020, 10:31
- Forum: General Discussion
- Topic: New coronavirus in/from China
- Replies: 9035
- Views: 361664
... and the ridiculous suggestions about self-isolation. How so? It's an effective way to slow spread. Only if people “self-isolate�. IMO that won't happen in many cases. How will most people manage to do that anyway? Most people won’t be storing a month’s supplies. Come to that, most peopl...
- 26 Feb 2020, 23:39
- Forum: Climate Change
- Topic: Extinction Rebellion, ongoing disscussion.
- Replies: 245
- Views: 36511
More brainwashing brought to you by the BBC Certainly is brainwashing. Though the having a go at Greta is not helpful She has problems not of her own making, and needs some care and help, not as her abusive (or ignorant) parents ar...
- 26 Feb 2020, 23:06
- Forum: General Discussion
- Topic: New coronavirus in/from China
- Replies: 9035
- Views: 361664
You have got to be kidding .. Virus could kill half a million Britons and infect 80% of UK, leaked document suggests and
- 26 Feb 2020, 22:50
- Forum: Hydrocarbons
- Topic: Housecoal banned
- Replies: 21
- Views: 10801
Those wood burning cookers can be made a lot more useful by stacking a layer of heavy, frogless bricks up the sides. That provides a heat store and reduces the output fluctuations, so it’s possible to have a lower heat output while storing the excess. One of the problems with wood stoves on many d...
- 19 Feb 2020, 23:17
- Forum: General Discussion
- Topic: New coronavirus in/from China
- Replies: 9035
- Views: 361664
Or three weeks ago on this thread: clv101 wrote: It's worth pointing out we can't divide 80 by 3000 to give ~3%. The deaths are delayed, so are related to the (far lower) case count a week or so ago. Of the people sick enough to present at hospital to be tested, the mortality rate is probably close...
- 17 Feb 2020, 20:24
- Forum: Climate Change
- Topic: Extinction Rebellion, ongoing disscussion.
- Replies: 245
- Views: 36511
They have generated some favourable publicity for themselves ahead of the program.
- 16 Feb 2020, 00:16
- Forum: General Discussion
- Topic: New coronavirus in/from China
- Replies: 9035
- Views: 361664
Bogus data? Perish the thought
- 12 Feb 2020, 10:57
- Forum: General Discussion
- Topic: New coronavirus in/from China
- Replies: 9035
- Views: 361664
- 12 Feb 2020, 10:36
- Forum: Transport
- Topic: Are we on the brink of an electric car revolution?
- Replies: 706
- Views: 100268
- 04 Feb 2020, 06:14
- Forum: General Discussion
- Topic: New coronavirus in/from China
- Replies: 9035
- Views: 361664
Season of Fear and National Budgeting Go Hand in Hand Whatever the source, the hysteria being drummed up follows a now well-worn pattern where the population is kept in a perpetual state of anxiety and fear about microbes so that drug companies (aided by federal health officials) can come to the re...
- 03 Feb 2020, 22:33
- Forum: Climate Change
- Topic: Extinction Rebellion, ongoing disscussion.
- Replies: 245
- Views: 36511
adam2 wrote:According to various sources, ER have something major planned for May 23rd.
Anyone know what is planned ?
It could be the ordination (or canonization or whatever it’s called) of St. Greta
Is anything to do with XR? If so they ain’t very ecological, more artificial.
- 03 Feb 2020, 22:21
- Forum: General Discussion
- Topic: New coronavirus in/from China
- Replies: 9035
- Views: 361664
If this virus was plausibly containable then maybe such measures make some sense. But, since it clearly is not and, given it is likely to be ciorculating for years if not forever, then bollocks to it I say. Just eat well, get plenty of sleep, maybe invest in some oxygen and some anti- inflamatories...