If you are the proud owner of an @powerswitch.org.uk email account, can you please log in and check / trim / delete your received messages - we have nearly a gigabyte of email sat in mailboxes, which is almost as much as taken by the web space files.
I'll bet a lot of it is either spam or large attachments...
Email storage
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- mikepepler
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- Joined: 24 Nov 2005, 11:09
- Location: Rye, UK
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Thanks, Mike.
That made barely any measurable dent, of course - I'm betting most of it'll be due to a couple of accounts that just don't get read by anyone any more and have been clogging up. I'm going to send an email to all the configured accounts' alternative email addresses - they probably don't all read here regularly.
That made barely any measurable dent, of course - I'm betting most of it'll be due to a couple of accounts that just don't get read by anyone any more and have been clogging up. I'm going to send an email to all the configured accounts' alternative email addresses - they probably don't all read here regularly.
- mikepepler
- Site Admin
- Posts: 3096
- Joined: 24 Nov 2005, 11:09
- Location: Rye, UK
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