Another unscheduled outage

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Another unscheduled outage

Post by jmb »

Yes, the site got hacked again. Someone uploaded a script and used it to transmit spam. We don't know how much was sent, but those good folks at alerted Lycos and they shut us down in response.

We're still waiting for some log files from Lycos to pinpoint how they got in, but I have a few ideas. (I also have a few pointers to the perpetrator, but that's a different story). In the meantime, we've been doing a bit of a cleanup and removing some old functionality that we no longer use, to try and reduce potential attack points. If you spot anything not working as expected, please do let us know.

In the process, we've made a slight re-grouping of the forum list, including adding this "Site News" forum. Don't worry - no posts have been removed.

Aside: It's annoying to site users and admins alike, but on the whole I'm in favour of ISPs taking measures to curtail spam sending - it would just be nice if they could re-enable sites with the same alacrity.

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